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Triton is a leader in aquatic assessments, having completed thousands of aquatic projects across various industry sectors – including work at large industrial facilities, on inter- and trans-province pipelines, and around numerous energy projects.

Aquatic interactions factor into the decision-making process in virtually every project in western Canada, and it’s important to understand the implications of these interactions when presenting information to owners, regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and Indigenous communities. Triton brings this expertise and has extensive experience working in a variety of terrains including mountainous, coastal, and prairie environments. Triton’s team of aquatic specialists possesses impressive academic credentials, having published a number of articles in scientific, peer-reviewed publications. Our Registered Professional Biologists have conducted over 3,500 projects. Our services includes:

  • Aquatic inventory and baseline studies including fish and fish habitat, invertebrates, water and sediment quality

  • Pipeline, transmission line, and vehicle watercourse crossing assessments including justification of least-risk timing windows

  • Fish distribution studies and population indexing

  • Habitat suitability assessments and in-stream flow requirements

  • Fish passage assessments and restoration

  • Specialized aquatic studies involving radio telemetry, microchemistry, hydro-acoustics, fish enhancement, and toxicology

  • Project-specific permit applications including water consumption, waste discharge, instream works, and riparian areas

  • Due diligence and risk management assessments

  • Mitigation and compensation planning

@Triton Environmental Consultants, Ltd. 2024

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